The former School Education Gateway and the teachers’ favourite e-Twinning platform recently merged into the European School Education Platform – the new integrated platform for schools in Europe.
The School Education Gateway was an online platform for teachers, school leaders, researchers, teacher educators, policymakers and other professionals working in school education across all levels, including Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Vocational Education and Training (VET). Any teacher could register and use and share resources and viewpoints, benefit from Erasmus+ opportunities and learn through the Teacher Academy where online and in-presence courses are listed in a catalogue.
e-Twinning was another platform, focusing on direct collaboration and networking among teachers. e-Twinning was promoted more as a community of people, that as an online repository of resources. It claims to be the biggest network of teachers and schools in the world. The main aim of the platform is to allow teachers to find partners from schools in other EU countries, and develop joint projects.
The two platforms were connected for a long time, each of them referring to the other. Now, they merged into one integrated platform – the European School Education Platform. It is the meeting point for all stakeholders in the school education sector. It is also the new home of eTwinning. The first version of the platform provides eTwinners with the main services to find partners and develop projects. Additional features, including the full content of the School Education Gateway, will be available in the coming months. In the meantime, both eTwinning and School Education Gateway remain temporarily online.