Kind Speech Day campaigns in the Romanian partner schools have come to an end

Kind Speech Day campaigns organized in the AmeLiE partner schools from Romania have come to an end in mid-July. The campaigns were organized in all five partner schools which are involved in the implementation of the AmeLiE project activities at national level, namely: “Mihai Eminescu” National College Petroșani “Samuel von Brukenthal” National College Sibiu “Mircea […]
Inclusive language in response to the increase of hostile communication

“You are what you communicate”. “The words I choose define who I am”. These are two out of ten principles of the Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication created by Parole Ostili. The Manifesto is a fundamental document of the AMeLiE European network of schools and the campaign to combat hate speech in the virtual world. The […]
Trainers from six countries completed the AMeLiE training on how to tackle online hate speech

Twelve trainers from Italy, Greece, Germany, Romania, Belgium, and Bulgaria gathered in Foligno last week from 15th to 19th November for a one-week long training of trainers on how to tackle online hate speech. The five days were packed with information, field visits and practical exercises on the beta version of the online platform, but […]