20th anniversary of Digital Opportunities Foundation

Berlin, 09.09.2022: For 20 years, the Digital Opportunities Foundation, cooperation partner in the AMeLiE project, has been committed to digital participation of all population groups. On Wednesday, September 7, the foundation team celebrated the anniversary at bUm in Berlin together with long-time collaborators, stakeholders and experts from the field of digitization and digital participation. When […]
Countering hate speech through arts and art education

The extended use of digital media brought modern communication ethics to become a field of significant concern, because phenomena like the alarming amplification of online hate speech hinder inclusion, freedom of speech and digital citizenship. Hate speech has raised a discussion on a global scale, especially since the evolution of the internet has transformed human […]
Disturbing levels of online abuse of athletes

Elite athletes are mainly associated with great achievements and respect. We think of them as people who take the pleasure of glory, their millions of fans, a high social status and many more elements of a life worth to admire. However, athletics is not always a joyful and safe environment. Athletes encounter hate speech and […]
Special Eurobarometer on the integration of migrants

On the occasion of World Refugee Day 2022, the European Commission published the results of a Special Eurobarometer survey on the integration of migrants in the European Union. World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates […]
TWITCH, the latest social network joined the European Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct continues to attract new companies. Shortly after announcing the participation of Rakuten Viber to the Code, Twitch became the twelfth partner, joining Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Dailymotion, Jeuxvideo.com, TikTok, and LinkedIn. On 20 June 2022, Twitch joined the EU Code of Conduct against illegal hate speech online. The “EU […]
Didacta 2022: AMeLiE at Europe’s largest fair for education

Last week, our German project partners Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation, short SDC) took part in Didacta 2022 in Cologne – Europe’s largest fair for education – and were able to present our AMeLiE project to interested teachers and educators! “Insight, overview, outlook – didacta is the leading trade fair and continuing education event […]
Inclusive language in response to the increase of hostile communication

“You are what you communicate”. “The words I choose define who I am”. These are two out of ten principles of the Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication created by Parole Ostili. The Manifesto is a fundamental document of the AMeLiE European network of schools and the campaign to combat hate speech in the virtual world. The […]
Digital Services Act: Stricter rules for hate speech and disinformation on the web

On April 23, 2022, the EU institutions agreed on the final version of the so-called Digital Services Act, which provides for new and, above all, stricter rules, especially for large tech companies, in dealing with hate speech and disinformation. The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a comprehensive set of rules for online platforms and Internet […]
AMeLiE partners meet in Timisoara

Last 31st March and 01st April, AMeLiE project partners met in Timisoara, Romania for the first face-to-face meeting since the project kicked off in September 2020. Our Romanian partner EOS foundation was our kind host and made sure that the meeting runs smoothly and efficiently in a hybrid format as the representatives of our Greek […]
Let’s expand our virtual network against hate speech!

Next to creating an online learning platform for teachers on which they can find a lot of useful information, worksheets and materials about hate speech to use in class, one main objective of our AMeLiE project is to create a Europe-wide virtual school network against online hate speech. The first phase, the piloting of the […]