Kind Speech Campaign at the Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium in Berlin

The Kind Speech Campaign “Hasskommentare im internet” has been developed by the Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium school based Berlin. The project consisted of a 6-week plan with different aesthetical and methodical approaches of sharing our kind messages with the school community and followers of our social media accounts. In discussion with one of our intensified courses in English […]
The AMeLiE virtual network is growing!

As the AMeLiE virtual network is growing and new members are joining by the day, in this blogpost we talk about the new developments on our platform and what to expect in the coming months. The resources Currently, there are 40 lesson plans on how to address hate speech that teachers can directly use in […]
Intercultural Dialogue in the Infodemic Era

On December 9th and 10th 2021 took place the Lisbon Forum 2021 on the “Intercultural Dialogue in the Infodemic Era” with the participation of many decision makers, issue-experts, activists, organisations and institutions from around the world. In the past 10 years, the evolution of digital technologies, together with the exponential increase of online content and […]
Digital Services Act: Stricter rules for hate speech and disinformation on the web

On April 23, 2022, the EU institutions agreed on the final version of the so-called Digital Services Act, which provides for new and, above all, stricter rules, especially for large tech companies, in dealing with hate speech and disinformation. The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a comprehensive set of rules for online platforms and Internet […]
Planning the second phase of the pilot activities in Romania

On April 14th, Fundația EOS – Educating for an Open Society organised an online event for the teachers participating in the AmeLiE pilot, teachers from the Romanian partner schools involved in the project activities. The purpose of this event was to plan and discuss the activities of the second phase of the AmeLiE pilot, as: […]
Tracking Hate Speech in Greece

One out of four children in Greece have encountered hate speech on the internet according to a survey conducted by the Safe Internet Center, upon request from the Greek Ministry of Education. During November – December 2021 a sample of 5.000 teenagers, ages 12-18, was investigated. The analysis of collected data shows notable facts such […]
AMeLiE featured at the ALL DIGITAL weeks 2022

On 24th March, ALL DIGITAL hosted a webinar on the topic “Innovative approached to enhancing media literacy of students and teachers”. The event took place during the second week of this year’s ALL DIGITAL Weeks. It put the focus on two Erasmus+ projects for students and teachers. In AMeLiE, teachers work with their students on […]
AMeLiE partners meet in Timisoara

Last 31st March and 01st April, AMeLiE project partners met in Timisoara, Romania for the first face-to-face meeting since the project kicked off in September 2020. Our Romanian partner EOS foundation was our kind host and made sure that the meeting runs smoothly and efficiently in a hybrid format as the representatives of our Greek […]
How the Council of EU Works to combat racism and antisemitism?

According to surveys by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 45% of respondents with a North African background, 39% of those with a Sub-Saharan African background and 41% of Roma respondents had felt discriminated against in the previous five years. 39% of Jewish respondents had experienced some form of antisemitic harassment. The fight against […]
Let’s expand our virtual network against hate speech!

Next to creating an online learning platform for teachers on which they can find a lot of useful information, worksheets and materials about hate speech to use in class, one main objective of our AMeLiE project is to create a Europe-wide virtual school network against online hate speech. The first phase, the piloting of the […]