Safer Internet Day – together for a better internet

The goal of the AMeLiE project is to make the Internet a better, safer and kinder place – where we meet each other with respect, mindfulness and tolerance – this way, we want to prevent the further increase of hate speech and all the consequences that come from it – cyberbullying, isolation, extremism etc. The […]

Piloting activities in Romania were kicked off

Fundatia EOS Romania, the Romanian partner of the AMeLiE project, organized on January 26th, 2022, a piloting kickoff meeting with the teachers (initial users) that will be involved in the pilot activities at national level. The five initial users that will participate in the pilot of the training path and pilot of the AMeLiE online […]

AMeLiE blended course coming soon

With the new year come new opportunities, and the AMeLiE blended course is one of them. What is the course about? The course is on how to address online hate speech at school and is based on the well-tested and proven methodology of Parole Ostili. Course participants will have to register on the AMeLiE online […]

Women and cyberbullying

The Internet brings us many possibilities and makes our lives easier but with the Internet there are also many threats, such as cyberbullying or online hate speech. Almost half of all women and one third of all men claim to have experienced cyberbullying via social media direct message.[1] Does this mean that women are more […]

A series of meetings across Europe

The AMeLiE project (Advanced Media Literacy Education to counter online hate-speech) conducted a series of meetings across Europe among selected teachers to identify the main and most relevant issues, nodes and problems in relation to the phenomenon of online hate. This series of meetings was useful to identify the training needs of teachers in order […]

BE KIND. AMeLiE project to counter online hate speech was kicked off

The first event of 2021 was the (online) kick-off meeting of the AMeLiE project on 13-14 January. AMeLiE – Advanced Media Literacy to Counter Online Hate Speech is a 2-year Erasmus+ KA2 Project. It aims to train teachers and representatives of school communities (school managers, digital facilitators, families) on a specific methodology, focusing on the formation […]