The #KindSpeechDay campaign carried out in the AMeLiE partner schools in Romania, has selected its winner at the national level!
The campaign implemented by our colleagues from National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” Tg. Jiu was designated as the most suggestive among #KindSpeechDay campaigns organised by partner schools in Romania.
To ensure the participation of a big number of students, the school campaign coordinator came up with the idea to organize the #KindSpeechDay during the annual competition called ”Which is Which”, a competition that is organized every year at National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” Tg. Jiu for students over 12 years. The campaign and competition involved all the 5th to 7th graders and the 9th to 11th graders, coordinated by their headteachers, having their relatives and whoever wanted to support them in the audience. It is a very demanding competition which required hard work and has many challenges such as sports task, oratory task, a whole class moment, cheerleaders moment, artist task. In the end, only one class from each grade level is the winner.
Campaign activities were carried over one month, during which approximately 700 students (coordinated by approximately 30 headteachers) of this school, had to prepare all their challenges for this competition, challenges that were launched based on the ten ideas presented in the Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication developed by Parole Ostili organization.
Considering that all of them were confronted at some point in their lives with problems such as bullying of any type or aggression of any type, this idea of the contest was very successful for all of them (and for us!), all the students got involved, in the end it didn’t even matter who the winner was, everybody was happy about the outcome of the events and of their work.
The prize offered for running the best #KindSpeechDay campaign, consists of a trip to Prague offered to the coordinator of this campaign, to participate in the annual ALL DIGITAL summit. During the summit, the winner will also participate in the AMeLie multiplier event and in the workshop about the training of teachers and representatives of school communities regarding advanced media literacy skills and the issue of online hate speech.
You can read more details about the #KindSpeechDay campaign organized at the Tudor Vladimirescu Tg Jiu National College by accessing the link below: